Literally just in time for the holidays, Foodzie launched its new website that brings together a group of artisan food makers in a marketplace that will make any bonafide foodie’s heart race. Until December 31st, everything is 20% off (much like the rest of the world is discounted these days!)
I’ve had the pleasure of helping them connect with great small food companies, to help them set up their stores. If you know me or have read my blog you’ll know that is a pure delight for me!
The selection of producers will grow quickly, and we’re excited to introduce food you might not find anywhere nearby. you can find gifts including:
boxes including a selection of sweets and savories from San Francisco-based La Cocina’s great food entrepeneurs,
- caramelly marshmallowy decadence from Bon Bon Bar of Los Angeles.
- and a lot more than sweets: teas and coffee, spices and sauces, and even the thoughtfully conceived Q Tonic – tonic water from Brooklyn
What are you still doing here? 🙂 Check out Foodzie and share your ideas (on Get Satisfaction) for other great artisan food companies who could benefit from reaching new customers through Foodzie. Or email the team!
Happy holidays and happy eating!