If there’s one thing I enjoy wherever I travel, to a new city, to a new state or to a new country, it’s discovering interesting sweets. Back in the olde days even you saw a lot more regional candy bars in the US, which I always loved spying with my little eye.
So here in Barcelona, Spain where I’m traveling, it’s been especially fun discovering chocolates, cookies and desserts both to sample and bring back home to share as ideas for aspiring Foodzie producers: When you decide to start a food business it’s often a family recipe or some inspiration from a goodie you’ve tasted that transforms into a business! So start with some inspiration here…
My Absolute Fave Find: Literal Sponge Candy !
Another tray had blue and all kinds of real sponge like colors. No I didn’t taste it 🙂
At the Xocolata Museum they have tots of great panned chocolates (which are the individually chocolate coated things you eat addictively from a tub or bag). Check out these flavors:
Chocolate covered fig pieces:
Chocolate covered crisped rice:
Chocolate covered sardines (or is that sardine shaped chocolate?) Either way, pretty cool…
What do you use the chocolate covered rice for? Came across a bag and I’m curious about how to use it! 🙂