Can the first quarter of 2015 be over already!? The Fancy Food Show and Expo West feel like yesterday, or maybe I’m still full of coconut chips and all the new ice creams.
Between mergers of Big Food Kraft and Heinz, and Hershey switching to non-GMO cane sugar, it’s been a crazy, news-filled three months.
Here’s what food businesses should know…
In Retail? Here’s How To Thrive In the On Demand Economy
If you shop online, you may have found yourself wanting to click on a supermarket aisle to find something. Well…it’s only going to get worse.
What Organic Food Does Food Babe Wish Existed?
The cheerleader for good, clean food knows the power of comfort food. I wholeheartedly share her quest…
The Business of Bone Broth
Remember back when meat was the hot part of an animal? It’s nothing compared to bones, these days.
Why 2015 is the Year of Natural Nut Butters and Chocolate Spreads
Does the world need another ___ butter? Plant-based protein is even hotter than bones. Here’s a quick State of the Spread. What’s next?
6 Job Posting Sites Just For Food and Beverage Gigs
There are lots of general job websites. Who knew there were so many dedicated to matching food job hiring managers and job seekers?
How One Woman Stumbled Into a Career in Hard Apple Cider
Do you ever meet people and wonder how in the world they landed on their pretty amazing gig? One sip of cider and I was interviewing this woman, whose story will thrill you if you’ve ever been called generalist / renaissance / ADD.
Strategic Brand Design Positions This Natural Food as a Specialty Food
Juli Shore Design branded this vegan nut cheese and joined us the first FoodStarter Academy as a design expert. Read about the clever package design process.
How About Baking a New Business Idea for National Pi Day or Pie Day?
Seems like given social media and the power of hashtags to entertain and build a following, food holidays are only growing. Here’s a musing on March 14th and the “other” National Pie Day.
Enjoy some more recent articles for your food business intelligence pleasure.
Want to know or write about something? Do tell!
P.S. What got me laughing harder than anything in Q1 was the “make your own Hitler video” meme, with the Expo West riff. If you’ve ever gone to that show, it’s a must watch.

Bare Snacks made a splash with its barely bare nature girl, handing out fruit chips