Today the news broke that Blue Bottle Coffee and San Francisco’s delectable Tartine Bakery have merged (a sort of smaller scale, more upscale version of Starbucks’ acquisition of San Francisco-based La Boulange Bakery).
Given the amazing synchronicity I experienced related to Tartine Bakery, it’s no surprise a simple text messaging exchange blossomed into this merger.
Of course as in any relationship the right elements had to be there:
- Both companies had plans to expand into similar markets such as New York and Tokyo.
- Both have super popular foods and coffee that complement each other.
- Both have simple, clean aesthetics.
(UPDATE: Turns out things changed and the merger didn’t happen after all.)
How Big Goals Happen: Simply GO DO
Having a simple framework for decision making particularly centered around talking to strangers and asking for help, is an idea I’ve been refining for a few years:
- Goal: Have your long-term and short-term goals and intention in mind, whether front of mind or floating in the background somewhere.
- Options: Keep your eyes open for opportunities. Evesdrop. Talk to people. Ask for insight. Share your goal. And make proposals, no matter how outlandish.The story of how Chad Robertson pinged James Freeman about the newspaper error—the tipping point leading to this merger—perfectly illustrates this idea AND the importance of following up when coincidence, or synchronicity, comes into your life.Asking is easier than you may think: While running my bucket list-making website I tested out an idea to say to people well-equipped to connect me with my desires: “One of my big life goals is to ___.” How can someone deny you the opportunity to at least explore possibilities?
- Decide: Based on what will best accomplish your goal, with the optimal return and the lowest risk, decide the best course of action(s).
- Own it: Come to the best terms to make your goal happen. Then GO DO!
What Do You Think of the GO DO Method?
One of the things I liked best about writing Good Food, Great Business was telling the synchronicity stories, like about how Sonoma Syrup came to be, and how you can use techniques like GO DO to connect the dots into successful entrepreneurship (and happiness!).
Tell me what you think privately, in comments or on Facebook. And when we’re in the same town, we’ll have to go for a Tartine croissant to celebrate.