Like other startup owners who might have reached out to you, I too am an initiate in the world of food businesses, highly influenced by the Good Food Great Business book you wrote.
Foremost, thank you for writing it, as many of the truths you spoke are things I’ve come to encounter during my formation process.
However, I’m still feeling very lost and unable to make any major progress. Do you happen to have any advice for someone who’s hitting a block?
Have you followed the advice in it about talking to people and seeing what’s out there, etc? Have you experimented and floated the idea by potential buyers to get reactions?
If you have done “everything” and aren’t making progress, I’d ask yourself if you really want to do it, and if so what is really stopping you from making progress – fear? other priorities?
Since college, I thought I wanted to create food businesses as I was making so many interesting foods and seeing opportunities (like in the ’80s how there were these great juice bars in Mexico. Why not here?)
BUT the idea of being involved in the operational aspect of a food business did not appeal to me. This self-knowledge stopped me. But it did not stop me from realizing that I could use my love of promotion and business to help food businesses.
Often the answer to “What’s stopping you?” points to things like…
- A lack of self-confidence or knowledge.
- Too much knowledge? Perhaps you’ve know deep down that it’s not the right place and time.
- Maybe you were doing what other people thought you should or it sounded like a good thing to do.
- Inertia, our friend that makes the devil we know more appealing.
Stopping to honestly answer the question: What’s stopping me? can do free you!
If you need help getting clarity, check out my consulting services. And if you have a group of entrepreneurial friends, I’d love to chat about a group coaching series!